Software development stuff.


Running ASPX on II6 (Windows 2003) for the first time results in 404 file not found

Remember that you need to enable ASP.NET from "web service extensions" in IIS.
From Can not run ASPX on a Windows 2003 Web Server... - ASP.NET Forums: "web service extensions"


How to show and hide rows in a table with javascript

If you need to to hide and show rows dinamically both in Firefox and Internet Explorer (IE), set the style.display to empty string.
Thanks to The Strange Zen Of JavaScript: Table rows...revealed!



Generate Scripts by command line...

It seems that there is no easy way to automatize the script generation of db objects... :(
Generate Scripts...



Using CASE in Order by Clause in SQL Server

If you need to use a CASE in the ORDER BY and you have 2 different types for the expression, you end up receiving this error: "Syntax error converting the nvarchar value 'Alice Mutton' to a column of data type int."
Check out the solution at Using CASE in Order by Clause in SQL Server - ExtremeExperts.
