Software development stuff.


Using both MaskedEditExtender and calendarextender

It's not easy to use the Ajax Toolkit controls like the example in here for editing a date. Well, at least not easy if you want it to be multicultural. I used the following: //Set the culture settings CultureInfo oCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; CalendarMaskExtender1.CultureName = oCulture.Name; CalendarExtender1.Format = oCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern; //CalendarMaskExtender expects something like "99/99/9999" CalendarMaskExtender1.Mask = CalendarExtender1.Format.Replace( oCulture.DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator, "/").Replace( "d", "9").Replace( "M", "9").Replace( "y", "9"); And don't forge tot set the <asp:ScriptManager EnableScriptGlobalization="true">

Argh, how do you set the format on this blogger.....aahh, just view source of this page if you need to check the code..



Blogger Unknown said...

Hi thanks for the code, it really helped me out a lot. It isn't fully working though since some cultures use a format like this: d-M-yyyy (dutch format) to solve this I changed the code like this.

//Set the culture settings
CultureInfo oCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
CalendarMaskExtender1.CultureName = oCulture.Name;
CalendarExtender1.Format = oCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern;
//CalendarMaskExtender expects something like "99/99/9999"
string Mask = CalendarExtender1.Format.Replace(oCulture.DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator, "/");
if (Mask.IndexOf("d") != Mask.LastIndexOf("d"))
Mask = Mask.Replace("d", "9");
Mask = Mask.Replace("d", "99");
if (Mask.IndexOf("M") != Mask.LastIndexOf("M"))
Mask = Mask.Replace("M", "9");
Mask = Mask.Replace("M", "99");
Mask = Mask.Replace("y", "9");
CalendarMaskExtender1.Mask = Mask;

this way it checks whether there are two d's or M's, and if not, replaces the single d or M with 99


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Muchas gracias. Es un código extraordinario.



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